This is the latest (main) BeagleBoard documentation. If you are looking for stable releases, use the drop-down menu on the bottom-left and select the desired version.



This section is under developmement right now.


First off, thanks for taking the time to think about contributing!


For donations, see - Donate.

The Foundation maintains source for many open source projects.

Example projects suitable for first contributions:

These guidelines are mostly suggestions, not hard-set rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating are governed by the same code of conduct.


Check out as a starting place for our code of conduct.

By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to contact one of our administrators or moderators on

Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to the technical and contribution frequently asked questions pages before posting any of your own questions. Please feel encouraged to ask follow-up questions if any of the answers are not clear enough.

What should I know before I get started?

The more you know about Linux and contributing to upstream projects, the better, but this knowledge isn’t strictly required. Simply reading about contributing to Linux and upstream projects can help build your vocabulary in a meaningful way to help out. Learn about the skills required for Linux contributions in the Upstream Kernel Contributions section.

The most useful thing to know is how to ask smart questions. Read about this in the Getting support section. If you ask smart questions on the issue trackers and forum, you’ll be doing a lot to help us improve the designs and documentation.

How can I contribute?

The most obvious way to contribute is using the Gitlab server to report bugs, suggest enhancements and providing merge requests, also called pull requests, the provide fixes to software, hardware designs and documentation.

Reporting bugs

Suggesting enhancements

Submitting merge requests

Style and usage guidelines