This is the latest (main) BeagleBoard documentation. If you are looking for stable releases, use the drop-down menu on the bottom-left and select the desired version.

Connect WiFi

If you have a monitor and keyboard/mouse combo connected, the easiest way is to use the wpa_gui.

Alternatively, you can use wpa_cli over a shell connection through:

Once you have a shell connection, follow the wpa_cli instructions.

BeaglePlay WiFi Access Point

Running the default image, your BeaglePlay should be hosting a WiFi access point with the SSID “BeaglePlay-XXXX”, where XXXX is selected based on a hardware identifier on your board to try to increase the chances it will be unique.


The “XXXX” will be a combination of numbers and the letters A through F.


At some point, we plan to introduce a captive portal design that will enable using your smartphone to provide BeaglePlay local WiFi login information. For now, you’ll need to use a computer and

Step 1. Connect to BeaglePlay-XXXX


The password is either “BeaglePlay” or “BeagleBone” and the IP address will be

Whatever your computer provides as a mechanism for searching for WiFi access points and connecting to them, just use that. You will want to have DHCP enabled, but that is the typical default. Connect to the “BeaglePlay-XXXX” access point and use the password “BeaglePlay” or “BeagleBone”.


The configuration for the access point is in the file system at /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf.

Once your are connected to the access point, BeaglePlay should provide your computer an IP address and use for itself. It should also be broadcasting the mDNS name “beagleplay.local”.

Step 2. Browse to

Once you have connected to the access point, you can simply open VSCode by browsing to

Within VSCode, you can press “CTRL-`” to open a terminal session to get access to a shell connection.

You could also choose to ssh into your board via ssh debian@ and use the password temppwd.


Once logged in, you should change the default password using the passwd command.


Simplest way to connect to WiFi is to use wpa_gui tool pre-installed on your BeaglePlay. Follow simple steps below to connect to any WiFi access point.

Step 1: Starting wpa_gui

You can start wpa_gui either from Applications > Internet > wpa_gui or double click on the wpa_gui desktop application shortcut.

Starting wpa_gui from Applications > Internet > wpa_gui

Fig. 6 Starting wpa_gui from Applications > Internet > wpa_gui

Starting wpa_gui from Desktop application shortcut

Fig. 7 Starting wpa_gui from Desktop application shortcut

Step 2: Understanding wpa_gui interface

Let’s see the wpa_gui interface in detail,

  1. Adapter is the WiFi interface device, it should be wlan0 (on-board WiFi) by default.

  2. Network shows the WiFi access point SSID if you are connected to that network.

  3. Current Status tab shows you network information if you are connected to any network.
    • Click on Connect to connect if not automatically done.

    • Click on Disconnect to disconnect/reset the connection.

    • Click on Scan to scan nearby WiFi access points.

  4. Manage Network tab shows you all the saved networks and options to manage those.

wpa_gui interface

Fig. 8 wpa_gui interface

Step 3: Scanning & Connecting to WiFi access points

To scan the WiFi access points around you, just click on Scan button availale under wpa_gui > Current Status > Scan.

Scanning WiFi access points

Fig. 9 Scanning WiFi access points

A new window will open up with,

  1. SSID (WiFi name)

  2. BSSID

  3. Frequency

  4. Signal strength

  5. flags

Now, you just have to double click on the Network you want to connect to as shown below.


SSIDs and BSSIDs are not fully visible in screenshot below but you can change the column length to see the WiFi names better.

Selecting WiFi access point

Fig. 10 Selecting WiFi access point

Final step is to type your WiFi access point password under PSK input field and click on Add (as shown in screenshot below) which will automatically connect your board to WiFi (if password is correct).

Connecting to WiFi access point

Fig. 11 Connecting to WiFi access point

wpa_cli (shell)

Swap out “mywifi” and “mypassword” with your network SSID and password, respectively.

debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli scan
Selected interface 'wlan0'
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli scan_results
Selected interface 'wlan0'
bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
68:ff:7b:03:0a:8a    5805    -49     [WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]       mywifi
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli add_network
Selected interface 'wlan0'
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli set_network 1 ssid '"mywifi"'
Selected interface 'wlan0'
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli set_network 1 ssid '"mypassword"'
Selected interface 'wlan0'
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ wpa_cli enable_network 1
Selected interface 'wlan0'
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ ifconfig wlan0
wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::6e30:2aff:fe29:757d  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        inet6 2601:408:c083:b6c0::e074  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x0<global>
        ether 6c:30:2a:29:75:7d  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 985  bytes 144667 (141.2 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 52  bytes 10826 (10.5 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0


The single quotes around the double quotes are needed to make sure the double quotes are given to wpa_cli. It expects to see them.


For more information about wpa_cli, see

To make these changes persistent, you need to edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf. This is described in :ref:`beagleplay-wifi-wpa-cli-xfce`_.

wpa_cli (XFCE)

Another way of connecting to a WiFi access point is to edit the wpa_supplicant configuration file.

Step 1: Open up terminal

Open up a terminal window either from Applications > Terminal Emulator Or from Task Manager.

Open terminal from Applications > Terminal Emulator

Fig. 12 Open terminal from Applications > Terminal Emulator

Open terminal from Task Manager

Fig. 13 Open terminal from Task Manager

Step 2: Setup credentials

To setup credentials of your WiFi access point follow these steps,

1. Execute sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf, which will open up wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf inside nano (terminal based) text editor. 2. Edit wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf to add SSID (WiFi name) & PSK (WiFi password) of your WiFi access point.

        ssid="WiFi Name"
        psk="WiFi Password"
  1. Now save the details using ctrl + O then enter.

  2. To exit out of the nano text editor use ctrl + X.

Run: $ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf

Fig. 14 Run: $ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf

Add SSID and PSK

Fig. 15 Add SSID and PSK

Save credentials and Exit

Fig. 16 Save credentials (ctrl + O) and Exit (ctrl + X)

Step 3: Reconfigure wlan0

The WiFi doesn’t automatically connect to your WiFi access point after you add the credentials to wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf.

  1. To connect you can either execute sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure

  2. Or Reboot your device by executing reboot inside your terminal window.

  3. Execute ping to check your connection. Use ctrl + C to quit.

debian@BeaglePlay:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=5.83 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=7.27 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=118 time=5.30 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=118 time=5.28 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=118 time=9.04 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=118 time=7.52 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=118 time=5.39 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=118 time=5.94 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.281/6.445/9.043/1.274 ms
Connect to WiFi by running $ sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure

Fig. 17 Connect to WiFi by running $ sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure

To check connection try running $ ping

Fig. 18 To check connection try running $ ping